Friday 19 July 2013

... recovery cont.

Its been just about 5 months exactly since I had my pituitary tumor removed and I must say its been a long road. I have been feeling much better but there has been a lot of ups and downs along the way. I'm still currently taking the steroids and trying to slowly wean myself off of them so hopefully with time I can come off them completely but for now they are part of my life and I accept that!! :)

I have been doing a Military style Bootcamp and FINALLY for the first time in 2 years I am getting the results I want to see. I just need to keep focused and not let anyone or anything get in the way of my goals and dreams. Let me tell you, watching the number on the scale get smaller is the BEST thing this girl could ask for right now!

There are still days that I don't feel myself but that's expected with my recovery. This has impacted my life emotionally in a large way. Every time I think about what "I went through", it makes me realize how much I grew as a person. From now on it will only make me stronger and I know in the end it will all be worth the pain and the struggle.

As well... 2 weeks ago I completed my first 5km of the year! It was a fun one but a great way to start! And who said Cushie's couldn't run!?

To all the other Cushie's out there... whether your still going through the process of all the tests, diagnosed, waiting for surgery, in recovery or struck with this again...

DONT GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So many times I wanted to give up along this journey because I was so lost and didn't know what to do but deep down I knew somewhere there would be happiness with all of this and now I am so happy that all of this happened to me and I feel so blessed. There were many times I would wonder "WHY ME?!" but now I know this happened to me for a reason!

I am registered for 2 more races this summer which are both half marathons! If I can do this anyone can so please don't give up on your dreams!

I also just want to say a big THANK YOU to my Mother in law, Randie!! She inspires me to run everyday!! I did Color Me Rad with her (see below) as well, I will be completing my other races with her. We even registered for DISNEYLAND in January!!!!!! I am so excited for this!!

I will continue to write about my journey along the way...
From One Cushie to another, STAY STRONG!!! :D

Gail *xox*